Wednesday, May 22, 2013

5/22/13 To Do List

I watched the news this morning while I made my “to-do” list.  While I was jotting down, “pick up teacher gifts” and “get kids registered for summer camps”, I thought of the precious children lost in Oklahoma and wondered what their parents had on their “to-do” list the day that awful storm rolled into town and forever changed their lives.

5/22/13 TO DO LIST
1.       Pick up Teacher Gifts
2.       Get kids registered for summer camps
3.       Pick a flower
4.       Feel the breeze
5.       Hug your mother
6.       Kiss your babies
7.       Tell your hubby he’s the greatest
8.       Love on your dad
9.       Call your sister
10.   Lunch with friends
11.   Pet the dog
12.   Drink some lemonade.  Spike it you need too!
13.   Wish upon a shooting star
14.   Pray
15.   Walk on the beach
16.   Dance under the stars
17.   Catch fireflies
18.   Turn up the radio and sing out loud
19.   Cuddle with your little ones
20.   Relax in a hammock
21.   Read your bible
22.   Love
23.   Hope
24.   Forgive
25.   Appreciate
26.   Ride your bike
27.   Enjoy the beauty of the American flag
28.   Have a picnic
29.   Slow down
30.   Help the helpless
31.   Count your blessings
32.   Enjoy these precious moments.  They could be forever changed in just the blink of an eye.

God bless Oklahoma.  God bless us all.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

How Does Your Garden Grow?

I’ve been down in the dumps lately and I think I know why.  You see my life has been really busy lately with volunteer commitments, work deadlines and kiddo activities.  And when my life starts getting busy and a little hairy, I let a few things slip.  Sometimes it’s the important things that slip – like friends, family members, GOD.

So I got busy and when I wasn’t running here, there and yonder trying to get it all accomplished, I decided to sleep in a little later instead of spending my one-on-one time with my coffee and my Bible.  Big Mistake!  You see while I was busy, while I was distracted, the devil was not.  The red-horned, awful thing was very focused on bringing me down.  And he succeeded!  While I was preoccupied, I started thinking bad things about myself.   That jerk sat on my shoulder and whispered ugly words into my ear.  He had me believing that the “friends” I had really weren’t friends at all.  He had me believing that I wasn’t good enough.  He had me counting other people’s blessings instead of my own. 

And the thing was I knew this was happening.  I could feel it happening but I wasn’t sure what to do about it.  I was busy, remember? 

The evil, little creep kept finding holes in my armor, holes in my heart to bring me further down.  And when the jerk was bringing me down with his awful mind games, I started losing patience with my friends, with my family members, with my kiddos, with the bank teller, with the traffic light, with it all.  I became angry, aggressive and irritated.  I was in a hurry 24/7.  Oh and that devil was smiling and was so happy about all this anger!

Like I said, I could feel the enemy near me, beside me and around me.  I could feel him perched on my shoulder waiting for him to attack.  I was so distracted with all my busyness, yet I could still feel his presence.

And then I figured it out.  Things flourish where you’ve got your attention.  The garden grows where it’s watered.  I got mad this time – really mad and really angry-- at the one person who could do something about it!  ME! 

I was the one who was paying attention and giving notice to what the devil was saying!  What in the world?  You see, I was tired and cranky and distracted with busyness and the evil creep saw that as the perfect opportunity and he seized upon it. 

Thankfully, I slowed down a bit and took a time-out of my rush-rush-rush schedule and said “ENOUGH”!  I told the devil to step away. 

Thankfully, when I finally slowed down enough, I remembered that my God is amazing in every way.  He is so much bigger and stronger and more powerful than that teeny, tiny, little bitty, awful, evil devil could ever hope to be.  The God I know whispers warm, affectionate words into my ear every minute of the day.  I just need to slow down and take a second to hear Him.  My God sends me love notes each and every morning in the form of a beautiful sunrise or in my babies’ smiles if I just slow down and take a minute to notice.  My God is always telling me that I’m way better than “good enough”.  My God made me and celebrates how wonderful I am each and everyday.  While I can sometimes see a few things I’d like to fix, my God sees a perfect person and wants me to see and appreciate His amazing creation. 

When things finally slowed down (a little at least), I decided the best thing to do to keep the devil away would be to dive back into my “coffee and bible” routine.  And guess what happened?  The more bible time I had, the more the holes in my heart started filling back up.  Instead of viewing the cup as half empty, the cup again started appearing as entirely full.  When I slow down and take a few minutes to focus back on my blessings (instead of paying attention to others’ blessings), I can see again that my cup is truly abundantly overflows! 

While I know the devil continues to say his ugly words to me, I make the choice of who I want to listen to.  Thanks to my early morning bible time, I've kicked the the jerk to the curb.  His awful words have become muffled, faint, hardly audible whispers that I can't hear at all anymore.  Like a train whose horn sounds so soft when it’s far away, I can hear my God quietly talking to me again.  And I'm watering the heck out of that garden.  As the train’s horn gets louder and louder the closer it gets, it’s the same with God.  First it’s a whisper, then the more time you spend with Him, His love and His voice become a little louder and a little louder until at last He is as close as close can be and with a deafening, thunderous, wonderful shout, He yells, “Precious child!  You are mine!”

If you are hearing someone, something talking negatively to you, recognize that that's the devil talking to you.  Please don’t give that awful thing a second of your attention.  Instead, seek ye first the kingdom of God and all good things shall be handed unto you.  I know this.  I read about it this morning over coffee.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I See You, Mr. Robinson :)

Last night, on the last night of 2012, I went to a wedding.  It was a special wedding and an amazing event.  I knew it would be incredible even if it were just a random date on the calendar.  The two getting married are a precious, young, Godly couple from super-fun, super-great families who raised them right.  And I packed kleenex.  I knew I would cry at the wedding.  I always cry at weddings.  But this crying was different.

I cried in the parking lot before I ever entered the church.  I cried in the pew before the music even started, before the first attendant ever made it down the aisle.  And I wasn't alone.  The grown man next to me was also crying.  And the woman two rows up across from me.  And many others were too.  You see, just a few short months ago, this precious bride lost her dad.  Her larger-than-life dad.  Her adventuresome, life-loving, fun-loving, wonderful dad.

I cried in the car and I was mad that Tom wasn't there.  Although I've always given God thanks for allowing me to know sweet Tom, last night, I was a little mad at God for taking my friend away.  Tom needed to be at that church.  He needed to walk his daughter down the aisle.  He needed to sit with precious wife and smile with pride as his little girl said her vows.  He needed to shed a happy tear on the front row on this special day.  Both of Tom's kids are engaged.  I was mad that God couldn't have given Tom just a little more time to witness these special occasions.  

But because I know that our days on this Earth are numbered and we are not promised a certain number of days, I cried in the car.  

After a bit, I pulled myself together, held my hubby's hand and we found a seat in the church.  And you know what?  I saw Tom last night.  I saw him shed a tear as his pride and joy said her vows.  He was perched right on that cross.  I heard Tom last night.  I heard him in the music.  I heard him singing "darling, stand by me.  ohhhh. stand by me," as his darling, strong, amazing wife walked down the aisle to be seated.  I felt him in that church.  He was there.  I looked around and felt his presence -- he was in every one of us there.  He was in all of our hearts and all of our tears.  

I saw Tom at the reception.  At all the fun being had.  He was there in every detail.  He was there at the first dance.  He was there in all the smiles and in all the laughs.   And Tom saw every detail too.  He smiled as his precious daughter beamed, laughed and kissed her new husband under a white balloon drop.  I saw him smile at me when I saw his blue tie wrapped around his daughter's bouquet for "something blue".  Tom was right in the middle of all the fun as the band played "Celebrate Good Times".  I saw him photo bomb a zillion pics flashing that wide smile and always giving his "Hookem Horns" sign.  Tom passed out noisemakers, glow necklaces and 2013 glasses last night.  Tom was definitely there at the candy table, complete with all of his favorite candies, including candy cigarettes.  Tom was there alright.  In every single way.

And what I discovered last night is that God was there too.  God is there.  God is our Father.  Not one we can physically feel, touch or see but He is with us in every detail too.  He is our biggest cheerleader and our biggest fan.  He is rooting for us.  He is so happy for us.  He is laughing with us and celebrating in our joy.  He is beaming with pride on our big days.  

When I was a kid, I didn't always understand why my Earthly dad did the things he did.  I was too little to see the plan.  It's the same way with my Heavenly Father.  It's silly for me to even try to figure it out.  I'm too little to see such an incredible plan.  Our loving God has a bigger plan.  A massive plan.  A wonderful plan.  And even on our darkest days, God hurts for us.  Even if it's part of His wonderful, divine plan, God is upstairs, hurtling and aching because His precious children are hurting and aching.

So I started the night crying tears of sadness and I ended my night crying tears of joy.  We're hurting but we're healing.  Thank you, God, for granting me this precious friendship that I have with the Robinson family.  Thank you for allowing me to know Tom Robinson.  Thank you for the love and the joy and the laughter that I witnessed last night.  I saw Tom there.  I saw You there too.