Sunday, October 21, 2012

Birthday Blessings

This past weekend, I celebrated my birthday.  Here are a few of the gifts I received over the weekend…

Safe travels up to the farm.  A farm to relax and enjoy.  A fun-filled Friday night filled with family and friends, raising lots of money for deserving kids.  Midnight Yell Practice with family and friends.  My husband letting me sleep in a little late on my special day.  My dad bringing me coffee and waking me up with a birthday song.  My mom cooking a yummy breakfast.  My little boy blessing our food.  Family and friends gathered around singing the Happy Birthday song.  Gorgeous weather.  Visiting with sweet friends.  Fun at a football game.  My phone ringing and buzzing every two seconds with sweet birthday calls, emails, texts and messages from caring friends.  A safe trip back to Houston.  A night with just the hubby.  Kids returning safely to the nest.  A little girl organizing a surprise dinner for her mom's birthday.  Food in my belly.  A roof over my head.  Warm, clean water to bathe in.  To drink.  Clothes to wear.  Good health.

My birthday got me thinking about all the wonderful things that God has blessed me with -- really too long of a list to even try to mention them all.  I started thinking about this one day of the year.  The day I was born.  The day I came into this world.  A newborn without any formed opinions or ugly thoughts or actions.  A brand-new baby who isn't asking for a "do-over" or a second chance.  

That train of thought got me thinking about our sweet Jesus.  Our forgiving Jesus.  Our Lamb who took all the sins of the world with Him when He died on the cross for us.  Didn't He die for us so that we could be "re-born" and have a second chance?  Doesn't He forgive us not seven times but 77 times, if necessary?  Because of this ultimate sacrifice, isn't every day a "birthday" of sorts?  Or maybe a "re-birthday"?  Each day can be a do-over.  Each day is a chance for us to shine our lights and show God's love.  Each day is a chance for us to be more like Jesus and less like us.

Lord, thank you for all these blessings.  Help me to not only recognize them on my birthday but on each "re-birthday".  Lord, thank you for all the friends and family members that helped to make my day so special.   Each and every day, Lord, I ask that you will help me to extend Your love to them always.   They are such blessings to me and I pray that I can be a blessing right back to them.  Lord, I want You to know that I do recognize and know that You are the one who has abundantly blessed me with this amazing life and I just pray that I can somehow, someway radiate Your love enough that others will come to know You through me.

Thank you, sweet Jesus, for Your love.  Praise God from whom all blessings flow.  Amen.